Mohu Leaf

Outdoor Antenna in attic

Have the best performance out of your loft mounted HDTV antenna.

Before you decide to install establish the annotated following:

  • Are TV indicators too poor to be gotten with an attic mounted TV antenna?
  • Just what building materials will the television signal have to penetrate to attain the antenna?
  • Will there be room enough into the loft for a suitably sized television antenna?
  • Exactly how much signal should be lost in comparison with mounting the antenna exterior?
  • Just how to choose the best TV antenna for my loft.

Building products be the cause in identifying the success of a loft mounted television antenna. Sometime right back I connected a TV antenna to my field strength meter. A field power meter steps the signal energy of any individual television signal. I grabbed a bit of 7/8" OSB particle board and tested the sign strength of several TV channels minus the board while watching TV antenna. I quickly put the board well away around 6 foot in front of the antenna. I discovered that on every channel the sign strength decreased from as low as 10% to the maximum amount of 30% using board while watching antenna. The better I relocated the board into the antenna the weaker the signal became, when I moved it further away the indicators became more powerful. Hold this at heart when putting the antenna within the loft. The further it is possible to keep consitently the antenna from any signal obstruction as you're watching antenna the greater.

Do you have a material, brick, masonry or tile roofing? If station transmitter way needs the sign to penetrate these products your chances of success are reduced. But if the TV transmitter course allows the sign to penetrate through lumber, common roofing or vinyl siding to achieve the antenna you need to be okay. A plywood roofing covered by an individual layer of asphalt shingles is the best. Many homes have actually a 2-3 foot large metal stripping that can't be seen installed underneath the roofing shingles at the end edge of the roofing. Always put in the antenna above this aspect so that the transmitter signal type of picture towards antenna is above or underneath the material stripping.

Do the loft sidewalls have metal siding, foil faced insulation, brick, or masonry of any sort? Most of these products are nasty sign blockers. It;s best to attempt to put the antenna ready so that the distinct picture from TV transmitters into the antenna just isn't block by some of the previously discussed products.

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Attic Install Showing Our HD2605 Antenna
Attic Install Showing Our HD2605 Antenna
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Mohu Sky 60 Amplified Attic/Outdoor HDTV Antenna with Mount
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