Remote Antenna Selector

Antenna Selector

Significantly bigger and somewhat stronger
APPEARANCE These antennas consist of book stick, wing-shaped or disk antennas with long elements.
usage Green shade rule areas. an amplified antenna is advised within the green location at any time a lengthy (20 feet or even more) cable run from the antenna is necessary, or whenever multiple device (TV or VCR) is usually to be combined with an antenna. It works best away from showing frameworks or reasonable areas.

Large Multi-directional
INFORMATION Bigger in size, these antennas receive even more sign energy. Better for greater distances from signal supply and places with low signal power.
Styles consist of factor antennas. These antennas enables you to decline easy ghost circumstances.
Whenever attached at rooftop heights (30 feet or higher) out-of-doors, increased antennas may be used in light-green shade rule areas away from reflecting structures or reduced places.

Small Directional
Antennas that behave like large multidirectional on channels 2-6 but on greater channels these antennas begin to have of use ghost decreasing effects. Image quality is great when no sign showing structures are around.
Multi-element rooftop antennas.
Appropriate far edge of light-green color signal places. Amplified antennas with rooftop installing may be used within these places if the location is without signal reflecting structures and is maybe not in a reduced location.

Medium Directional
Most well known rooftop antenna because of its small size and ghost reducing qualities.
If there are ghost making reflective structures near television receiver antenna location, this type of antenna is the best for yellowish, green, light green and red colorization rule places. Increased antennas with rooftop installing can be used using the blue color code.

Big Directional
Large antennas utilized in weak signal areas for maximum feasible television reception.
Can be used in almost any color code area, but needs an amp and roofing installing for blue, violet and red colorization codes. Amplifiers are not recommended for yellowish color codes.

Information gathered from CEA
HF Antenna Selector Simulation
HF Antenna Selector Simulation
QUICKIE - TV Dipole Antenna and Speaker Selector Switch
QUICKIE - TV Dipole Antenna and Speaker Selector Switch
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